Caption 1. Press Conference- World Day for Decent Work
The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (CCM) and the Youth Section of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SMSSM) celebrated October 7, the "World Day for Decent Work" with a press conference and a panel debate titled "Decent Work for All" October 7 marks
Besides the leadership of the Federation of Trade Unions and the Youth Section of the Federation of Trade Unions the panel debate was attended by the members of the Youth Section of SSM, the presidents of the branch unions affiliated in CCM, a representative from the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of the Republic of Macedonia, the President of the Organization of Employers of Macedonia and the President of Business Confederation of Macedonia (BKM), representatives of the Economic Chambers, the Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia, the Macedonian OHS Association (MOSHA), representative of the International Labor Organization (ILO) Office in Skopje, and representatives of other organizations and journalists.
On the press conference, the President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, PhD Zhivko Mitrevski stressed the idea from deriving of the concept of decent work, emphasizing that the union is determined to fight for the value of labor, to follow the trend of achievement and increase of workers' rights in compliance with the established recognized standards.
Caption 2. President Mitrevski on the celebration of the Decent Work Day
The panel debate was moderated by M.Sc. Lidija Naskovska, President of the Youth Section of CCM. The main purpose of this event was to promote the importance of the Decent Work, with a special emphasis on youth policies, efforts and activities of the social partners, MLSP, employers' organizations and the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia in the area of decent work. For this event posters and leaflets with this years’ theme of the campaign of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) - End corporate greed were created.
The representative of MLSP, Mladen Frchkovski had it address on the debate who noted that in the last year with the adoption of the National Program for decent work, a National Employment Program and Action Plan for Youth Employment was prepared, in which the main focus is youth employment, as shown by a series of active measures and policies that the Government of the Republic Macedonia has adopted in this period.
The representatives from the employers' organizations emphasized that to solve the problems of the workers, the state should intervene in increasing the competitiveness of the domestic companies and encourage technological efficiency in order to open new jobs and to stimulate the growth of living standards.
Also, on this panel debate the representative from CCM, Lile Petrova had a presentation regarding the implications of the Decent Work Program (2015-2018) on young people from trade union point of view.
Caption 3. Representatives of the Youth Section of CCM