On 9.9.2015 the first constitutive session of the Council of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (CCM) was held on which the mandates of the members and the management of CCM were elected.
Besides the legal protection information for the first six months of 2015/ first half of 2015, a new Secretary General of the Council of CCM was elected, replacing the former Secretary of CCM who has retired, Angjelko Angjelkovski. For a new General Secretary of the Council of CCM was elected Darko Dimovski, President of the Union of Workers in Catering, Tourism, Utilities, Crafts and Protection companies of the Republic of Macedonia.
Caption 1. The First Constituent Session of the Council of CCM, address of the former Secretary General of CCM, Angjelko Angjelkovski
In his address, the former Secretary General, Angjelko Angjelkovski expressed his gratitude for the cooperation and sent a message to all bodies of CCM to look after and take care of the unity of CCM and the organization in general.
On the session of the Council of CCM the Vice- presidents of CCM were re-elected:• Vice- President for Private Sector – President of SGIP - Pavel Trendafilov
- Vice- President for Public Sector - President of MPS - Tihomir Klimoski
- Vice- President for collective bargaining and economic issues - President of Agro Union- Zivko Danevski
- Vice- President for Organizational Development - President of SPTRM - Jordan Sandev
The President of CCM thanking the former members and addressing the newly elected emphasized the meaning of CCM as a generator of the trade union movement and the guardian of the labor status of employees. The President also emphasized the need for strengthening of the unity, solidarity and restoring the confidence, by mobilizing new membership as a prerequisite for strengthening the position and power of the unions.
Caption 2. The newly elected Secretary General of CCM, Darko Dimovski
On the session by the members of the Council of CCM was asked for a proactive presence of the presidents of some branch unions in the work of the Council of CCM for which a special conclusion was adopted.
We are presenting you the realized free legal protection of the union membership in the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia in the period from January-June 2015:
During the first half of 2015, the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia registered 1110 addresses in the direction of employment rights protection referring to different legal bases.
The number of addresses has decreased by 425 compared to the same period last year when 1535 addresses were registered.
The largest number of addresses are in the period January-June 2015 by:
- Union of the workers in Industry, Energy and Mining of the Republic of Macedonia SIER-298
- Union of Agro Industrial Compex of RM AGRO- 274
- SUTKOZ- Union of Workers in Catering, Tourism, Communal Utilities, Housing Economy, Handicraft of RM- 149
- STKC- Trade Union of the Workers in Textile, Leather and Shoe Industry of the Republic of Macedonia- 147
Speaking of the number of addresses on separate legal bases, as before, the most numerous addresses are on the basis of unpaid salaries, and unpaid salary contributions - 668 addresses.
Than following addresses regarding:
- Bankruptcy Proceedings Rights - 223,
- Trade Union Rights - 114
- Right to annual leave and recourse for vacation -77,
- Overtime work- 46.
During the six months of 2015 the following legal actions have been taken:
Submitted 39 claims, 18 court discussions and 10 positive verdicts.
Within the preventive action to protect workers' rights 1018 advices were given, 124 prepared claims, 57 complaints and 2 registered mutual realized rights.
As in the past, this year CCM is being following the amendments to the Labor legislation and actively participated in the procedure for their adoption by submitting comments, opinions and suggestions in order to protect and promote workers' rights.