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Слика 1. Делегација од Сојузот на синдикати на Турција Хак-Иш во посета на ССМCaption 1. Delegation from HAK-Is

The Trade Union of the Workers in Local Self- Government and Public Services of the Republic of Turkey (HIZMET- IS) has established cooperation with the Trade Union of the Workers of Administration, Judicial Authorities and Citizens’ associations of the Republic Macedonia (UPOZ) which is an affiliated union in the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia- CCM. The cooperation of UPOZ with HIZMET- IS and CCM is dating back since 2008. Within this cooperation, the union of HIZMET- IS held session of the Council and had bilateral meetings with the leadership of UPOZ and CCM.

Слика 2. Работна посета на Хак-Иш
Caption 2. Working visit of HAK-Is delegation

Subject of conversation were the peculiarities of trade unions within the global economic crisis and the position of trade unions as well as exchanging experience in this sphere.

On 11.9.2015, the President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, PhD Zhivko Mitrevski, and the President of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Turkey, HAK- IS (also the President of the Union of Workers in Municipal and Public Services of the Republic of Turkey HIZMET- IS), Mahmut Arslan, signed Cooperation Agreement for further cooperation within the framework of realization of joint trade union activities.

Слика 3. Потпишување на Договорот за соработка помеѓу претседателот на Хак- Иш, Махмут Арслан и претседателот на ССМ, д-р Живко МитревскиCaption 3. Signing of the Cooperation Agreement, between the President of Hak-Is, Mahmut Arslan and President of CCM, PhD Zhivko Mitrevski

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