Caption 1. Attendees on the Jubilee Pension Spots Competitions
The Federation of Pensioners’ Association of Macedonia (SZPM) as a massive organization of the pensioners in the country, traditionally every year held its 20th jubilee pension sports competitions in the spirit of developing sports activities for the pensioners.
Traditionally on these jubilee pension sports competitions the President of CCM, PhD Zhivko Mitrevski was invited, which represents a confirmation of the joint activities of CCM and SZPM that are being realized in continuity.
These jubilee pension sports competitions were open by the President of SZPM, Dragi Argirovski, and the opening was attended by the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Dime Spasov and the mayor of the municipality of Butel, Petre Latinovski. Also, the Director of the Fund of PIOM, Amet Dauti was also present on this important event.
Caption 2. Address of the President of SZPM, Dragi Argirovski
In his address, the President of SZPM, Dragi Argirovski specifically emphasized the activities related to encouraging the sportsmanship of the pensioners and the activities being realized in the past period.
Caption 3. Address of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Dime Spasov
The Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Dime Spasov specifically highlighted the activities of the Government of RM and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy in the area of improving the standard of the pensioners and the opportunities for bath treatments, as well as a possible increase of pensions.
The President of CCM, PhD Zhivko Mitrevski in the discussions with the participants and the leadership of SZPM especially emphasized the importance of the cooperation, the signed Memorandum, as well as joint activities in the functioning of the pension systems, legislation and other activities in the area of improving the socio-economic situation of the pensioners, citizens and workers in the country.