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Слика 1. Работна средба на претседателот на ССМ д-р Живко Митревски со претседателот на Сојузот на синдикатите на Албанија (KSSH), Кол Николај и претседателот  на Здружението на пензионери на Македонија, Драги АргировскиCaption 1. Working meeting of the President of CCM, PhD Zhivko Mitrevski, with the President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Albania (KSSH), Kol Nikolaj and the President of the Association of Pensioners of Macedonia Dragi Argirovski

Within the frameworks of the visit of the President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Albania (KSSH), Nikolaj Kol at the Association of Pensioners of R. Macedonia with the President Dragh Argirovski, another working meeting with the President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, PhD Zhivko Mitrevski was held.

During the meeting the presidents discussed a number of important issues concerning laws relating to workers and pensioners. The talks were in the direction of finding ways to improve the position of the workers and pensioners.
At the end of the meeting they agreed on future cooperation for organizing meetings to exchange experience between the trade unions and promoting best practices that would contribute to the strengthening of the positions of the unions and achieving greater rights of the workers and pensioners.

At the same time, the trade unions and pensioners associations in Macedonia and Albania pointed out the importance of the respect for democracy, coexistence, multi-ethnic, social and religious orientation as a basis for social progress and a pre- condition for EU acceptance and involvement the EU integration.

Слика 2. Драги Аргировски, Кол Николај и д-р Живко Митревски (од лево)Caption 2. Dragi Argirovski, Kol Nikolaj and PhD Zfivko Mitrevski (from left)

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc