On 28.04.2015, the Youth Section of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SMSSM) attended the ceremony on the occasion of the celebration of the World OHS Day, April 28th, organized by the Macedonian Organization for Safety and Health at work (MOSHA) in the Daut- Pasin Amam in the Old Bazaar.
Caption 1: President of SMSSM, Lidja Naskovska MSc with the members of the Executive Board of SMSSM
The International Labor Organization each year sets a different theme for the celebration of World OHS Day and this year's theme was "Take part in the creation of OHS prevention culture".
On this event the President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, PhD Zhivko Mitrevski had a video address on the importance of this day and the culture of OHS prevention.
Among other speeches on this event the statistics from the "Annual Report on accidents at work 2014", prepared by MOSHA were presented. Also on this event the national prizes for good practice in OHS for small, medium and large enterprises were given.
The tripartite national involvement and commitment and national actions are crucial in the implementation of lasting improvements in the area of health and safety at work, and in this direction awards for cooperation were given to the social partner. From the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, Ivan Peshevski from the TU of the workers in construction, industry and civil planning of Macedonia (SGIP), received an acknowledgment, who is also a member of the Executive Board of the Youth Section in CCM.