Caption 1. The President of CCM, PhD Zivko Mitrevski with the General Secretary of the ETUC, Mrs. Bernadette Segol
The Executive Committee of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) on its meeting held on 10.3. 2015 has adopted a decision on the admission of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (CCM) in the European Trade Union Confederation as a full member.
In this way, the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia has become the first organization that breaks the ice, for admission of the Republic Macedonia in the European family.
In terms of the full membership, the results of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia during the last period in conditions of severe economic crisis have been especially emphasized.
As special credits and efforts of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, the leadership of CCM and the President of CCM, PhD Zhivko Mitrevski in the past period were emphasized: the Law on Minimum Wage, restoring the right of recourse for vacation, adoption of the Law on Protection from workplace harassment (mobbing), amendments to the Law on Occupational Health and Safety at Work, wage increases, sustainability of pension limit, the establishment of the Economic and Social Council- ESC, establishment of the Economic and Social Council on the local level- LESC, ratification of new ILO Conventions and the application of 18 EU directives in the Labor Law.
With the full membership in the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia receives the opportunity to be actively involved in the creation of social and economic policy and social dialogue at European level and receives the support of the great European trade union family in all activities, as well as the ability to be involved in the creation of the European directives related to workers' rights.
In the work program of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia which was created and implemented by the leadership of CCM and the President PhD Zivko Mitrevski, the determination of CCM has been clearly defined, to join the International Trade Union Confederation- ITUC, (CCM joined ITUC in 2013) and to join the European Trade Union Confederation- ETUC, in which CCM has already received its full membership.
For information: the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) was founded in 1973 to represent and promote workers’ interests at European level. It is composed of 88 national trade union federations in 37 countries, plus 10 European trade union federations. The European Union, the Council of Europe and the European Free Trade Association all recognize the ETUC as the only cross- sectoral trade union organization representing workers at European level. This official status is enshrined in the Treaty of Maastricht (1992).