2/24 - 25/2015
Caption 1. President Mitrevski as Chairman of the Forum "Solidarnost"
On the plenary meeting of the Regional Trade Union Council "Solidarnost", held on 24 and 25 February 2015 in Belgrade, Serbia, besides reviewing the main agenda items for the project "Promoting and strengthening of the social dialogue", the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, received with great honor the presidency of the Council comprised with the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Srbija (SSSS), Nezavisnost- Serbia, the Trade Union of the Republic of Srpska, the Federation of Autonomous Unions of Bosnia and Hercegovina- SSSSBiH, the Federation of the Independent Trade Unions of Hrvatska- SSSH, the Federation of Trade Unions of Crna Gora- SSCG, The Union of Free Trade Unions of Crna Gora- USSCG and the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Slovenija- ZSSS. The chairman of the Council was elected Zhivko Mitrevski, PhD, President of CCM.
Caption 2. Participants on the forum "Solidarnost" by countries and their Presidents
The Presidency has a mandate of one year and during this period experiences regarding labor legislation, social protection and application of international conventions in this region shall be exchanged.
Simultaneously the regional forum "Solidarnost" will develop the union solidarity in solving everyday issues in the respective countries.
The recognition comes in time when CCM with its activities represents an example in the defense and promotion of labor laws and labor rights in the region.