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Слика 1. Претседателот на ССМ, д-р Живко Митревски и генералниот секретар на Црвен Крст на Р. Македонија, д-р Саит Саити на прес-конференцијатаCaption 1. The President of CCM, PhD Zhivko Mitrevski and the General Secretary of Crven Krst of R. Macedonia, PhD Sait Saiti on the press conference

On the session of the Presidency of the Federation of Trade Union of Macedonia held on 9.2.2015, and on today's session of the Council of CCM, a decision to donate funds to the affected population in the flooded areas in Macedonia was reached.

This decision was stated on today’s press conference held in front of CCM and attended by the President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, PhD Zhivko Mitrevski, several Presidents of branch trade unions, members of the Council of CCM and the General Secretary of Crven Krst of the Republic Macedonia, PhD Sait Saiti.

On the press conference, PhD Mitrevski emphasised that the aid of CCM shall be in the form of packaged food products, hygiene materials and water packages, as well as cash contribution from the unions to the account of Crven Krst of R. Macedonia.

At the end of the press conference, President Mitrevski made an appeal to all institutions to join the action of Crven Krst to help the victims in the floods depending on their possibilities.


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