Information for the media
he Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia considers the Project foreseen in the Law on Pension and Disability Insurance extremely important, which aims to increase the awareness of the insured regarding the rights of pension and disability insurance, in which the obligation of the Fund for Pension and Disability Insurance of Macedonia at the beginning of the year to submit the data on years of service and salaries for each insured has been introduced.
At the beginning these data will be submitted by the employer who has an obligation to submit the data that are maintained in the records of the Fund, and from June 2015 onwards an electronic data access shall be allowed. During the whole process the regulations governing the protection of personal data shall be applied.
Namely, pursuant to the Law on Pension and Disability Insurance, the Fund prepares a report data from the official records of the insured for each insured person who is registered in the compulsory social insurance twice a year, (until 15th of February and 15th of July) each year. The Fund within three days submits the review on salaries and seniority to the taxpayer for data reporting, self-employed person or individual farmer in hard copy or in electronic form in accordance with the regulations governing the protection of personal data. Upon receipt of the review, an employer who is liable for reporting data is obliged to submit the report in paper or electronic form in accordance with the regulations governing the protection of personal data to the insured.
For self-employed persons and individual farmers the reports shall be delivered to the address submitted in the establishment of receiving the mandatory pension and disability insurance.
Through this method of informing regarding the data of insurance and pay the following will be allowed:
- Information to insurers for their data of insurance and pay;
- Type of insurance;
- Duration of service of insurance;
- Whether there is insurance with extended duration and whether insurance contribution for the extended duration has been paid;
- Working hours on which registration in the compulsory social insurance has been done;
- The amount of the base on which social contributions have been paid;
- Correction of any incomplete or incorrect data from the Fund of Pension and Disability Insurance
- Contact info for additional information or correction data procedures.
The insured will have access to the data for the wages and years of service, in particular in the part whether he/she has been registered as full-time or less than the full-time and whether contributions for pension and disability insurance have been paid on the lowest base or on the actual salary.
By this way the information will further enhance the efficiency in making decisions on the rights of pension and disability insurance, because the data for service and pay will be complete and accurate and will represent a good base for rapid decision on the right and amount of pension.
The submission of a review data from the official records of the insured for each insured which is reported in the compulsory social insurance started from January 15, 2015, by submitting reviews data on 60,000 insurers employed at 31 employers (mostly). The data have been submitted on CD (encrypted) and by e-mail. A further submission of reviews of other insured is ongoing.
In the implementation the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia shall be actively involved.