On December 17, 2014 in Skopje, at the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, a kick-off meeting marking the official launch and promotion of the new mechanism of social and economic dialogue between Macedonia and the European Union was held, which will provide a new phase in the relations and intensifying the dialogue between the European Commission and the Republic of Macedonia, as a candidate country for EU membership.
Caption 1. Attendees on the meeting
The meeting was attended by Mr. Dime Spasov, Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Mr. Avio Orav, Head of the Delegation of the European Union, in the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Fatmir Besimi, Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs, Mr. Thomas Bender the European Commission representative, Head of Unit, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and the President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, PhD Zivko Mitrevski as well as other representatives from the Employment Service Agency in R. Macedonia, Ministry of Finance, etc.
Caption 2. President Mitrevski on the initial meeting
As part of this process the dialogue regarding the programs, policies and reforms that need to be implemented in the labor market, employment, education and social policy will be significantly intensified, and in cooperation with the European Commission a significant strategic document will prepared, the so-called Reform program in employment and social policy.
By the European Commission the preparation of the document is foreseen as a strategic process that will follow and accompany the process of European integration of the candidate countries, as a main mechanism of dialogue on priorities in the areas of social policy and employment and which will be structured according to the model of the strategy "Europe 2020". In the past the European Commission has initiated the process of preparation of the reforms in employment and social affairs (ESKP) with candidate countries that started negotiations for EU membership - Turkey, Serbia and Montenegro.
The Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Dime Spasov had his address on the initial meeting on which the official launch and promotion of the new mechanism of socio-economic dialogue between Macedonia and the European Union has been marked.
Caption 3. President Mitrevski in his address
Also, on the meeting his address had the President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, PhD Zivko Mitrevski who highlighted the challenges and priorities of CCM regarding policy creation and measures in the reform of employment and social policy area.
The President Mitrevski, noted that The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, with the first signs of the crisis, have demanded from the state: Subsidies for wage and workplaces, as a measure aimed at the economy to preserve jobs and prevent reduction of the number of employees; Increase of investments in infrastructure; Research and development, public services and production of healthy food, which will allow opening of new jobs; Introduction of more public work programs; Introduction of programs that would include the informal economy and illegal work in the area of formal economy and employment; Promoting human resource investment and providing better conditions and acquisition of new skills for workers of all age groups; Introducing more retirement conditions, as one of the ways and employment opportunities for young people etc.
In this context, according to the work of the 18th Congress of CCM, the acquired experiences from the current implementation of the educational activities in CCM and the need of further coordination, developing and adapting to new requirements, standards, needs and interests of CCM and affiliated unions in CCM, a new Centre or Institute for training and education is in the process of establishment.
Also the president noted that the efforts of CCM will be highly appreciated by European partners and that they will not be simply declaratory, i.e. the cooperation will be at a high level, which means that the European partners in the implementation of the projects will use the services of the Center.
At the end he welcomed and supported the idea of the European Commission to engage in this kind of a mechanism of social and economic dialogue between Macedonia and the European Union.