On 30th October 2014 in the Employment center of Bitola session of the local ESC was held. Besides the members of LESC Bitola, this session was attended by the President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, PhD Zivko Mitrevski.
Caption 1. President Mitrevski on the session of LESC in Bitola
The session was led by the Chairman, the President Tome Davkov. At the meeting the agenda included: issues on determining the status of activities and identification of the needs to improve the efficiency of LESC, conclusions of the meetings of LESC Ohrid in September 2014, the work plan of LESC Bitola in the next six months, with a possibility two main priorities to be financially supported by USAID YES Network, and information on the new EU project "Support to the employment agency for mediation of active measures and services on the labor market."
Caption 2. Members of LESC Bitola on the session
President Mitrevski informed the participants on the work of the National Economic and Social Council- NESC and also presented more ideas for promoting the work of LESCs.