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The President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, PhD Zivko Mitrevski on 22.10.2014 in the hotel Holiday Inn participated on the launch of the project "Promoting social dialogue", funded by the EU through IPA Human Resources Development Component 2007-2013, which will be implemented over a period of 24 months.

The goal of this project is to support the social dialogue between the government, employers and trade unions. On this ceremony his address had the Head of the EU Delegation, EU Ambassador, Avio Orav, the UN Resident Coordinator, Louisa Vinton and the Director of the International Labor Organization for Central and Eastern Europe, Antonio Graciosi, as well as representatives of the social partners.

 Слика 1. Претседателот д-р Митревски во своето обраќање на промоцијата на проектот „Унапредување на социјалниот дијалог"Caption 1. President Mitrevski in his address at the launch of the project "Promoting social dialogue"

President Mitrevski in his address expressed the satisfaction with the promotion of the ILO project on social dialogue "Promoting social dialogue", which will be implemented in the country in the next two years, as well as for the given support by the European Union in a continuation of the development of the social dialogue in our country.

"For CCM the social dialogue is extremely important and is a model and concept of dialogue on issues addressed by stakeholders in social partnership and represents the best way to harmonize the social and economic processes, development of democratic relations, achievement of strategic planning of social partners, stabilization progress and general development of the community", said PhD Mitrevski.

President Mitrevski emphasized that in the last period the Republic of Macedonia has a successful and intensive social dialogue which is based on several conventions of the International Labor Organization, and national legislation in the field of labor relations.
"Institutionalized and equal social dialogue in a country shows to what extent the democratic relations have been developed, as well as relations between social partners," said Mitrevski.

One of the important factors for achievement of the program goals and commitments of CCM is the further development of the social dialogue, collective bargaining and signing collective agreements on branch level and employer’s level and the establishment of local economic and social councils.

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc