On October 9, 2014 the President of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, PhD Zivko Mitrevski participated in the radio show "Brojki" in Radio Slobodna Makedonija.
President Mitrevski in his interview with the journalist Natasha Mersovska gave an analysis of the current state of the union on the changes of several key laws. He made special emphasis on the latest draft amendments to the OHS Law, which once again highlighted the benefits of the Law in the context of the protection of workers by increasing the role of unions in the two sensitive segments: the union to take greater care in increasing workers 'rights, and by so reinforcing the positive impact and control of union protection and respect of workers' rights. He also gave a comparative analysis of the first quarter of 2013 and 2014 on injuries at workplace, i.e. in vulnerable sectors and concluded that in this year, according to the State Labor Inspectorate their number has decreased. Also he mentioned the manner of union supervision as well as foreseen penalties.
By this President Mitrevski particularly stressed that the campaign of CCM that started on First of May is fully realized.
During the conversation, the World Day for Decent Work was also mentioned for which the President said: "The adoption of a Minimum Wage Law in Republic of Macedonia is the most important contribution of the social partners in ensuring decent work for the workers. The longstanding commitment of CCM on this plan has resulted in enactment of the law, but certainly does not end our involvement in this area since in the last period an agreement for raising the minimum wage and the pay of annual leave allowance, popularly called, K-15, for the employees in the private sector has been reached.
Also the President Mitrevski elaborated the analysis of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia on the payment of annual leave allowance from data received by the unions affiliated in CCM. The situation is as follows:
- EVN (SSESM) has paid annual leave allowance for 2150employees;
- 30% of companies in SSHDE have paid annual leave allowance;
- 40% of companies in SGIP have paid annual leave allowance;
- In transport and communications branches- paid annual leave allowance for 400 employees in Fershped, 1200 employees in T-Mobile Macedonia AD;
- In tobacco industry the annual leave allowance is paid;
- In food industry 30% of the membership has received annual leave allowance;
- In SIER for some workers the annual leave allowance is paid and for the rest the process is ongoing;
- SPTRM, in Makedonski Telekom the annual leave allowance is paid;
- In 9 companies, members of STKC annual leave allowance for 2939 employees has been paid.
Once again the President has emphasized the manner and procedure of payment, legal deadlines and penalties for violation of this right.
Asked by the journalist regarding the payment of the annual leave allowance for public sector employees, the President Mitrevski explained that the negotiations for the general collective agreement for public sector are ongoing and there are still some open issues which need to be discussed, including the issue regarding the payment of annual leave allowance.
At the end of his speech, President Mitrevski referred to the social dialogue and gave a positive assessment, as a way for achieving requirements from the government.