Caption 1. Participants of the camp
From 18 to 21 September in Marija Bistrica, Croatia the III Camp of the Youth Board of the Regional TU Council "Solidarnost" was held on which a total of 46 members of the unions from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia participated. Guests of the camp were representatives from Austria, members of the trade union confederations OGB and PRO-GE.
The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia had its delegation consisted of four young trade union members from Youth Sections of the branch trade unions of CCM.
This camp is part of the regional project of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, which is implemented with the aim of holding youth camps that would elaborate trade union activities among youth with a primary target- contribution of trade unions in the EU integration of the candidate countries, and networking and cooperation of young trade unionists in the region, thus contributing to raising youth activities, ideas development, as well as sharing experiences and good practices of the unions of the countries of this region with the active support of experts engaged by the Foundation "Friedrich Ebert" who follow the directives of the EU, ILO Conventions and promote trade union cooperation.
The specific topic for this camp was "Youth in Trade Unions" i.e. promotion and exchange of mutual experiences for new ways of communication and organizing youth.
Within the first day of camp a short presentation from Youth Sections of the unions was presented, including presentation of the Youth Section of CCM.
The presentation presented the activities of the youth section of CMM in period of one year in the field of communication with youth, organizing and recruiting young people as new members of the branch unions thereby increasing the membership of CCM.
A good example from practice was presented by the Youth Section of the Macedonian police union- CCM "Moja34" Project which evoked interest in all present. As an overall conclusion was that this project is a good example which has its own specific purpose, activities, tangible results in the field of recruiting young people in the union.
During the second and the third day of the camp the youth members prepared mini campaigns on the subject of communicating with young members of trade unions, as well as adjusting the available capacities of individual youth sections after the camp. Ideas for possible mini- communication campaign have been discussed.
Also participants worked in small groups on topics such as: OHS, how to represent the union in its best light, what does it offer for young workers and a campaign to recruit new union members in certain sectors and trade union organizations and individual enterprises.
In the working session of the camp the guests from Austria, OGB and PRO-GE had their presentation. They presented the organizational structure of their union, with particular reference to their work in the area of communication and trade union organizing in all stages from school to employment.
As a general conclusion of the camp was to establish a concrete idea for a campaign that will arise from the activities of all youth sections in the respective countries, in order to prepare a campaign and plan a specific project with a specific definition of the objective, target groups and expected results, choice of communication tools and precise definition of all activities and necessary steps for successful implementation of the campaign.