On 26.8.2014, at the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, President of CCM, PhD Zivko Mitrevski had a meeting with the Director of the Project "YES" USAID, Washington, PhD Michael Tetelman, Chief International Technical Adviser at the Education and Development Center (EDC).
The purpose of this meeting to discuss the proposals and ideas by CCM regarding activities that will strengthen the work of the local economic and social councils.
President Mitrevski first gave an overview of the current situation and noted that:- SSM as a representative workers’ organization of in the country is designated to act for the promotion and practice of social dialogue in the interest of development of democratic relations and economic and social rights and interests of workers and their overall position in the society. For CCM, institutionalized, equitable and effective social dialogue plays an important role and represents a key factor in stabilizing social relationships and achieving better economic and developmental effects. It is the best way of gaining mutual trust, respect and tolerance of social partners and achieving social consensus, harmonization of social and economic processes, development of democratic relations, achievement of strategic planning and stabilization of the overall development of any society.
Upon initiative of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia and the initiated campaign in 2013 to mark the celebration of First of May - the International Workers' Day, in the Republic of Macedonia an intensive ongoing process of developing social dialogue at the local level and the formation of local economic social councils has been started. This confirms the need to institutionalize the social dialogue, especially important for the local communities in terms of creation of social and economic policies that offer better prospects for all.
Economic and Social Council, carrying out its advisory and consultative functions and after reaching consensus with the social partners contribute to the harmonization of the labor and the needs of the local community, thereby creating new jobs, reducing the number of unemployed and increase of employment, especially among the young population. We as a CCM are confident that the local economic and social councils will greatly improve conditions for identifying needs of the labor market between the private and public sector; recognize and make appropriate analyses of the interdependence of the educational system and labor market, the need for additional training and retraining of workers who have lost their jobs; and general will improve the living standards of the workers and citizens of the Republic of Macedonia.
By the first half of 2014 in the Republic of Macedonia 9 local economic and social councils have been formed and agreements with the mayors of the municipalities of Veles and Resen for establishment of such councils in these cities have been made.
Signed agreements for the establishment of local economic and social councils in the country and members of LESC from CCM: Kumanovo, Gostivar, Tetovo, Stip, Kavadarci, Strumica, Bitola, Skopje and Gazi Baba.
President Mitrevski regarding the future challenges and difficulties that have occur during the operation of the LESC, has noted that more should be done with regard to:
- Highlight the importance of the role of mayors in providing support for the initiatives taken by LESC;
- Education of the mayors on the importance and necessity of formation and functioning of LESC;
- Background analyzes to align the needs of the labor market with education;
- Meeting of social partners from all municipalities where LESC have been established- at least 2 times a year in order to evaluate the work done and exchange of experiences;
- All participants to complete questionnaires and surveys, by which the process will be made vibrant and will contribute to development of the needs of LESC for their better functioning;
- To put greater importance in the media during the sessions of LESC;
- Greater collaboration with the Employment Service Agency- ESA and others.
The Director of the Project "YES", USAID, Washington, PhD Michael Tetelman has noted that "USAID" participates in the establishment of the local economic and social councils in the Republic of Macedonia with the project: "Youth Network for Employability Skills" (Network "YES"), with the third component of the "public-private dialogue." The goal is to expand the education of young people, including workers. The idea is the local ESC to represent a forum for exchange of views and proposing initiatives of interest to the local communities, to open a competition between municipalities in terms of achievements that will increase the motivation of greater work in LESCs.
At the end of the meeting was concluded that it is necessary another conference to be held on which mayors from more municipalities where LESC are not formed to be invited in order to get acquainted with the need, importance and achievements in the municipalities where LESCs function.