The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia in the last period has submitted a letter of moral support to the unions in countries who were flooded, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska and Croatia.
On this occasion a charity concert for the flooded countries was organized under the motto "To unite in humanity" by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, on which many union members were present. The tickets were bought by CCM and unions affiliated in CCM.
Слика 1. Билети за хуманитарниот Концерт „Да се обединиме за хуманост“
During the concert a telephone line was opened to which by one call 100 MKD are being donated. The funds from the sold tickets and phone calls from the concert will be given to the respective countries.
Caption 2. President Mitrevski on the concert
The Macedonian Police Union - a branch of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia initiated its humanitarian action in which each employee has agreed with the Ministry of Interior from the June salary 100 MKD to be retained and to be allocated to the flooded countries. All collected funds shall be paid proportionately and will be distributed to the colleagues through the ministries and police unions in these countries.
CCM and unions affiliated in CCM consider that besides the moral support, donating funds will help in a certain manner to the victims of the flood.
By this once again we have shown that humanity and solidarity, by which we are known, brought us even closer as our slogan "Solidarity" is.