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26.05.2014-foto2Caption 1: President PhD Mitrevski on the meeting today

On May 26, 2014 in the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, the President Zivko Mitrevski, PhD held a working meeting with representatives of "Friedrich Ebert Foundation", Macedonia, Ms. Stine Klapper, Director of the Office of FES in Macedonia and Milan Zivkovic, project coordinator.

On the meeting was discussed about the further cooperation, building good communication and future plans of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia with the support of FES that will be realized in future.

President Mitrevski has put a special emphasis on the need to obtain and exchange experiences with German Trade Unions regarding the opening, future work and functioning of the educational center within the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, as well as in the public relations, which will allow to project the image of the organization among the users, supporters, donors, local communities and other public.

The President asked FES to help and be a "bridge of cooperation" in organizing and mobilizing new trade union membership, especially in industrial zones in the Republic of Macedonia since these people need collective protection.

The Director of the Office of FES, Stine Klapper has noted the importance of the cooperation of FES with trade unions and FES will continue to work in that direction.

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc