Caption 1: Press Statement of President Mitrevski on the square Macedonia, Skopje
Today the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, CCM, organized an event for the celebration of First of May, the International Workers' Day on which the campaign "For safe and secure jobs" was promoted, on the square Macedonia in Skopje starting at 10.00. On this event 18 branch unions affiliated in CCM had their promotion with trade union and educational materials. Contribution to the celebration of this holiday and a support to the campaign gave the Macedonian Occupational Safety and Health Association (MOSHA).
The President of CCM, PhD Zivko Mitrevski gave a statement to the media and congratulated this holiday to all workers emphasizing that the union will continue to work on promotion of workers’ rights.
"CCM as a massive trade union federation is determined to represent workers’ rights and interests, to promote labor legislation and align it with the EU and European directives", said President Mitrevski. He pointed out that since 2010 several important laws have been passed, such as the Minimum Wage Law. And if we make a difference from 2010, 98.85 % the minimum wage was increased. We have implemented 19 EU directives in labor legislation, 8 ILO Conventions; we have defended from the worst economic and financial crisis the three basic pillars: we have not allowed mass layoffs, wage cuts, increasing of pension limit, but contrary, we have increased the wages, noted Mitrevski.
With the signing of the General Collective Agreement for the private sector of the economy the annual leave allowance has been given back for 2014 to all workers in the private sector. This year, we will continue with our joint activities to sign a general collective agreement for the public sector which will provide benefits for all employees in the sector.
The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia this year will launch the campaign "For safe and secure jobs". "As CCM we are ready through our demands on amending the Law on Health and Safety at Work to raise the responsibility of all stakeholders in the enterprise, to raise the importance of the President of the Trade Union Organization and to allow with these changes the President to be the Controller regarding the implementation of all safety measures. The employer shall be obliged to inform the President of TUO for all types of undertaken activities", said Mitrevski.
President Mitrevski noted that last year 98 accidents happen out of which 28 with fatalities. CCM this campaign will realize jointly with all stakeholders and we do expect the security of employees to be improved.
Upon completion of the activities regarding the celebration of the International Workers’ Day, the Council of CCM held a Solemn Session of the Council on which members and invited guests were present.
Caption 2: Opening of the Solemn Session of the Council of CCM
President PhD Zivko Mitrevski opened the formal session and in his address he highlighted the following:
The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia is committed to a continuous improvement of health and safety in working environments, a key segment in the provisions of decent work for all workers in the state.
According to ILO conventions and European directives and recommendations ensuring healthy and safe conditions at work is the responsibility of all stakeholders in society:
- Workers and Trade Unions,
- Employers and their representatives and
- Government and state institutions.
We need a joint action and unity of the tripartite social partners in the country through which each coordinated action will contribute to the improvement of the overall system for providing reliable and safe working conditions. The sustainability of this system should be based on precise legal and institutional basis. Primary responsibilities for the health and safety of workers in the working environment have the employers who should provide the highest possible standard of health and safety at work in the interests of workers, businesses and the wider community. This means that companies are obliged to invest in secure technologies, improvement of working conditions and prevention of occupational diseases and accidents at work.
The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia believes that despite employers, trade unions need to play a significant role in ensuring the health and safety working conditions.
Putting efforts for promoting and improving the overall system of health and safety at work, CCM believes that an accurate, specific and active role of the President of TUO or trade union representative of the majority union, the OHS representative and the representative for information and consultation should be given.
Therefore, CCM raises an Initiative on Amending the Law on Health and Safety at Work, in a direction of amendments of a few articles, such as Article 13, 26, 27 and 30 and the proposed amendments are committed to:
- Active role and importance of the president of the trade union organization or trade union representative of the majority union and OHS representative, and taking measures and actions to ensure the health and safety conditions in working environments.
- Promotion of collective bargaining, signing of collective agreements that will anticipate all issues related to OHS.
- Legislative changes according to which the employer is obliged to notify the President of trade union organization or trade union representative of the majority union, the OHS representative and the representative for information and consultation, for every death, collective accident, injury at work which causes temporary working incapacity lasting for more than 3 days and for each occurrence that poses a direct danger and threatens the safety of employees.
- Full and timely consultation and cooperation with the President of trade union organization or trade union representative of the majority union, the OHS representative in terms of improving the conditions of health and safety at work, especially when planning and purchasing equipment or introduction of new technologies, as well as promptly information to the union representatives for each type of risk at workplace and consultation on measures to control the risks and eliminating harmful consequences.
- Obligation of the employer to introduce and present the contents of the statement on security, the OHS report and implemented measures to the President of trade union organization or trade union representative of the majority union and the OHS representative.
CCM believes that with the proposed changes to the law the position and role of the President of trade union organization or trade union representative of the majority union, the OHS representative and the representative for information and consultation will be strengthened, that will allow full, fast and effective achievement of their goals and objectives in line with international conventions and European directives and policies.
With the legislative changes the role of the President of TUO or trade union representative of the majority union, the OHS representative and the representative for information and consultation would not be simply formal, but contrary they will have a realistic and clearly defined tasks to operate in towards creating a healthy and safe working conditions in compliance with European and international examples.
CCM despite this campaign will realize a campaign for providing secure jobs.
CCM has located several issues in the implementation of workers' rights, especially in companies that are established in the new industrial zones. Another campaign is the campaign for secure jobs, a condition that has raised in recent years in our country and the world, and that is fighting inequality among workers. It is a socio economic disadvantage which is visible and which is happening in Europe and in our country. In the beginning we will demand respect of workers' and trade union rights in all enterprises in industrial zones. We are announcing a campaign that will be organized in all newly formed companies in the industrial zones. These are key activities that the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia together with affiliated unions plans to implement in order to restore the dignity of labor, to restore the confidence and to talk about new additional historical results.
Happy First of May, the International Workers' Day.