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28.04.2014-foto5Caption: President Mitrevski on today’s press conference

Today is 28.04.2014, the World Day for Occupational Health and Safety at Work.

The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia contributes to overall efforts to promote and improve the extremely important human right - the right to work in safe and healthy conditions, which is a key factor for social development and progress of the Republic of Macedonia and every country around the world.

Unfortunately there is still space and challenges for action in promoting safety and health at work, yet a large number of accidents and injuries, which ended fatally, occupational diseases related to workplace happen. Thus, the cost of treating workers have been increasing, exhausting the resources of health care systems, reducing productivity, as opposed to the business interests and the interest of the entire society.

In this occasion we would like to emphasize that for safety and health at work are not only the employers responsible, but without exception, all stakeholders. We must all contribute together to raise the awareness among workers and employers for the importance of safety and health at work.

CCM will continue vigorously to take activities and insist on taking measures at national and local level that will be in the direction of providing a safe and healthy working conditions for the workers, improving the working and living environment, safe and secure working places.

Although CCM believes that the law is a good basis for creating a complete legal system for safety and health at work, the analysis of the practical application of the law have indicated the need for amendments to the current law that will contribute to its clarification and improvement.

It is particularly important to clarify the provisions of the role and importance of the president of the trade union organization i.e. trade union representative of the majority union and OHS representative.
The President of CCM, PhD Zivko Mitrevski has noted that in order to provide safe and secure jobs, despite the official OHS representative in the company the president of the trade union organization should be included in the implementation of all activities, which will provide an adequate place in the framework of the implementation of all activities under the OSH Law, starting with his presence in the creation of plans, statements, records, reports and ensuring control of the union in providing OHS measures.

In a sign of the contribution to the celebration of this day, CCM will continue its celebration on May 1st, the International Workers' Day with concrete action, beginning of an Initiative on amending the OHS Law under the motto "FOR SAFE WORKPLACES".

Activities regarding the celebration of the International Labor Day, 1st of May, according to the Decision of the Presidency of CCM are planned to begin at 10.00 at the square "Macedonia" in the center of Skopje with a presentation of branch unions affiliated to CCM and will end at 11.30.

ILO Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities - EU FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG Организацијa на работодавачи на Македонија etuc