Caption: Representatives of SGIP and SSHDE with BWI representatives
Caption: Representatives of SGIP and SSHDE with BWI representatives
In Skopje on 8 and 9 April 2014 a seminar on collective bargaining will be held in organization of Building and Wood Worker’s International (BWI) with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. The focus of the seminar would be the infrastructural projects in the country.
The seminar is being organized for the countries in Southeast Europe on which the OHS Director of BWI, Fiona Murray will participate.
Within the activities the director Fiona Murray had a working visit in the Trade Union of Construction, Industry and Civil Engineering (SGIP) and the Trade Union of the workers in Forestry, Wood Industry and Energy of RM (SSHDE). Also, representatives of SGIP had a meeting with the Director of the State Labor Inspectorate, Mr. Naser Bajrami.