Today's panel debate organized by the Youth Section of CCM
Today at the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia a panel debate organized by the Youth Section of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia was held on "Youth Employment", in which representatives from the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of the Republic of Macedonia, Violeta Dimitrieva, Department of Labour and Irena Risteska, Department of Pension and Disability Insurance had presentations on the topic "Promotion of the new measures for stimulation of youth employment, their impact and expectations". Participants were presidents and representatives of the youth sections of branch trade unions affiliated to CCM.
The President of the Youth Section, M.Sc. Lidija Naskovska on today’s press conference
The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia and the Youth Section within its aims and objectives gives a special place and focus on the fight against unemployment and employment stimulation, especially for young people. Although during this period the unemployment was reduced by 10 % still young people comprise a large percentage of the unemployed population. Therefore, extremely important for all of us, especially for CCM and the Youth Section is the implementation of the package of measures that are directed towards youth employment stimulation as well as the acquaintance with the measures and policies by which young people would have an active position in this process. It is important for our young members these measures to be implemented as widely as possible in their working environments, since the ultimate goal of all of us is that this package of measures to be implemented adequately.
This is the beginning of a campaign that the Youth Section of CCM will launch in several cities throughout the country and together with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs will implement a number of activities that would enable the package of measures to be implemented as soon as possible in order young people be involved in the working process.
Similar panel debates will be organized by the trade union representatives and offices, for which a special promotional materials and flyers will be published.
The representatives from MLSP, Violeta Dimitrieva and Irena Risteska gave a detailed explanation on the measures that stimulate employment which comprise: the measure of internships, employment at well known employer, measure for self- employment etc.