We will continue the tradition of continuous fight for women's rights

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On behalf of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, the President of CCM, PhD Zivko Mitrevski expresses cordial greetings on the occasion of the celebration of March 8th – the International Women's Day to all mothers and women in our country with a desire unconditionally to continue to strive for realization of fundamental human rights - the right of everyone, without exceptions, to live from their labor and promote their material and social status, to work in safe and healthy working conditions.

Women in the country, throughout history have been respecting the tradition of celebrating March 8th as the International Women's Day proclaimed in 1917. Gathered and organized into trade unions have shown that they have the capacity to fight for: equality, equal treatment of women in the labor market, improving working conditions, discrimination, prejudices, stereotypes subordinate position of women at workplace and in the family, to respect their voice, to be included in the process of negotiating and decisions on their labor rights, work and adequate income that will preserve their human dignity.

The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia gives strong support to the basic principles and concept that women workers are equal to men workers in all respects and should equally enjoy all legal rights, represent a significant factor in the progress of our country as a democratic and legal country. In addition, in the past period CCM through the Economic and Social Council has raised an initiative to ratify the Convention on Maternity Protection of the International Labor Organization, which was implemented in the Labor Law and referred to the full protection of workers against discrimination based on pregnancy, childbirth and parenting, as well as the right to unpaid parental leave of up to 3 months for up to 3 years of age of the child due to his/her care.

CCM continues to protect and defend the rights and interests of women workers to regulate their working - legal position according to the international standards, Macedonian laws, collective agreements and participation of women workers in the democratic decision making.

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