A press conference in the Government of the Republic of Macedonia regarding the Agreement on the minimum wage increase

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Today in the Government of RM a press conference was held which was attended by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Vladimir Pesevski, Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Dime Spasov, President of CCM, PhD Zivko Mitrevski, President of SSESM, Robert Simonoski, President of the Independent Union of Health, Pharmacy and Social Care, Ljubisa Karanfilovski, Acting President of KSS, Violetka Spasevska, President of Employers Organization, Angel Dimitrov and representative from the Business Confederation of Macedonia...

Press Conference of the social partners on the reached Agreement for increase of minimum wage


28.01.2014-foto1Press Conference of the social partners on the reached Agreement for increase of minimum wage

Today in the Government of RM a press conference was held which was attended by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Vladimir Pesevski, Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Dime Spasov, President of CCM, PhD Zivko Mitrevski, President of SSESM, Robert Simonoski, President of the Independent Union of Health, Pharmacy and Social Care, Ljubisa Karanfilovski, Acting President of KSS, Violetka Spasevska, President of Employers Organization, Angel Dimitrov and representative from the Business Confederation of Macedonia.

We are witnesses of a historic success of building a social consensus and social dialogue between the social partners in RM of which the Agreement to increase the minimum wage in the country is a concrete result. Today, in state of a severe crisis we have managed to agree to raise the minimum wage of 25,22% for all sectors, i.e. 46,96% for sectors textile, leather and shoes. Increasing the minimum wage versus the period before its adoption when wages ranged from 4,500 to 5,500 MKD has been a great benefit to trade union movement, stated President Mitrevski. He also said that this is a boost for the social partners to contribute to building a social consensus on concrete way and to escape from the crisis and provide concrete steps to ensure a better standard for the workers in the country.

After many years the minimum wage has become a reality in Macedonia and it shows that the result of this dialogue is actually improving the living standards of workers in a sustainable way, a way by which employers and businesses can withstand and continue achieving positive results, noted the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski. He also expressed his gratitude on behalf of the Government of RM to the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia and the Confederation of Free Trade Unions for the excellent cooperation as well as to the Organization of Employers of Macedonia and Business Confederation of Macedonia as representatives of employers and considers that the results achieved in which the crown is the latest agreement to increase the minimum wage show that it is the right pathway to proceed with and that is a pathway of dialogue between the government, trade unions and employers.

In March 2014 the minimum wage will amount to 8,800 MKD, increase of 9.32 %, in March 2015 the amount of the minimum wage will be increased by 8.98 % as it will amount to 9.590 MKD, and in March 2016 the minimum wage be higher than the current for 25.22 % and will be 10 080 MKD, while in the sectors textile, leather and shoes in March 2014 it will be 7.500 MKD, March 2015, 8.050 MKD, while in March 2016 it will be 9,000 MKD. In March 2017 it will amount to 9.590 MKD, and in March 2018, 10 080 MKD same as the general amount of the minimum wage in other sectors. This will contribute to greater motivation and a better life for employees in the activities mentioned but also in other activities that are receiving the lowest salary in Macedonia and will be achieved in a way that is sustainable for employers, said Stavreski.

The Agreement to increase the minimum wage is an important step for workers in the protection of their rights and improvement of their standard, said Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Vladimir Peshevski. These decisions have been reached in direct consultation with trade unions and employers and have passed all levels including ESC, as a body that with joint efforts reached its full essence, visibility, efficiency and effectiveness.

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