Continuation of discussions on the draft proposals and opinions of public sector unions regarding certain remarks on the Draft Law on Public Sector Employees and the Draft Law on Administrative Officers
Presidents of Public Sector Unions affiliated in CCM and representatives of the Ministry of Information Society and Administration
Presidents of public sector unions - affiliated in CCM, Tihomir Klimovski, President of the Macedonian Police Union, Ljubisa Karanfilovski, President of the Independent Trade Union of Health, Social Care and Pharmacy, Risto Ajtov, President of the Union of Defense and Security, Zoran Georgievski, President of the Trade Union of Workers in the Catering, Tourism, Housing - communal Economy, Craftsmanship, led by the President of CCM, PhD Zivko Mitrevski and also President of the Union of workers in Forestry, Wood Industry and Energy of the Republic of Macedonia had continued the talks with the Ministry of Information society and Administration regarding the Draft Law on public sector employees and the Draft Law on administrative officials with the Minister of Information Society and Administration, Mr. Ivo Ivanovski and the Deputy Minister, Marta Arsovska - Tomovska.
At today's meeting the unions had elaborated the additional draft notes and opinions on the laws regarding several issues, particularly on the issues concerning the assessment and punishment procedures, system of career and other issues for which previously had been agreed specific comments to be submitted.
Participants on today's working meeting had agreed discussion to be continued tomorrow and on Monday, January 13, 2014.